Equipment Classes | Studio Pilates Sydney | Pilates Physio Style

Equipment Classes

Pilates Physio Style offers a range and a variation of floor classes tailored to match the level and requirements of the class participants.

To keep you challenged, and to keep you interested, a different piece of equipment is used in the class each week of the course. Their simple design easily adapts to a variety of techniques enhancing balance, body awareness, correct muscle recruitment patterns, dynamic strengthening and mobilisation of the spine. Each piece of equipment has its own benefits ensuring that your body is worked in many different positions and circumstances, helping to reflect movements we perform in every day life.

We also run private 1:1 and duet sessions at all locations and pregnancy and post-natal physio classes at our Hornsby studio.

  • T-Bow Pilates Classes

    The T-Bow

    The T-bow has been introduced to our program to provide a piece of equipment that can help simulate some everyday activities such as climbing stairs, stepping down, walking and running.

    This curious-looking piece of equipment was designed in Switzerland. The designer felt there was an urgent need for a product which allowed people to work on stability, flexibility, balance and cardiovascular fitness while not being scared that it was damaging their backs.The curved shape has all kinds of applications for the back, abs and lower legs. Because it supports the curvature of the spine, T-Bow is perfect for things like crunches and deep stretches of the shoulders and chest, and like standing on any incline, it gives a great calf stretch. It also provides an elevated platform to sit on or hold, compared to the floor. This elevation takes the pressure off the hips and neural structures in sitting, and the wrists and fingers when holding the T-Bow, consequently allowing exercises to be done more comfortably and effectively.

    Like any unfamiliar piece of equipment, the T-Bow takes a few minutes to get used to. With its padded convex side up, it's as stable as a rock. No matter what, you cannot cause it to flip. Turn it over, though, and it's like standing on a surfboard. Wobbliness is precisely the point, of course. Everything you do while rocking back and forth on a T-Bow requires more strength and balance than it would on flat ground, whether it's squats, runs or push-ups, while keeping the exercises closed chain, reducing the likelihood of injury. With regular use, proprioception is also improved - the body’s ability to sense movement within joints – an essential component to balance and stability.

  • XR Slide Pilates Classes

    XR Slides

    The XR Slide allows for simple smooth movement of the joints and muscles, and because you remain in contact with the ground throughout the exercises, there are no impact forces acting upon the body. The gliding motion helps you easily achieve your optimal range of movement and works multiple muscles whilst engaging the postural stabilisers. Reducing stability during traditionally static exercise such as lunges, squats, push ups and bridges increases their effectiveness and can also be a good work out – elevating the heart rate allowing two types of training in the one exercise.

    XR Slide
  • Foam Roller Pilates Classes

    Foam Rollers

    Foam rollers are a solid cylinder of high density foam. They add increased complexity to a normal floor class by providing an unstable surface. The 'core' stabilising muscles must automatically "switch on" to allow you to balance and maintain a neutral spine. It is used very effectively to mobilise the thoracic spine and even massage along the spine, hips, and legs to relieve muscular tension. After lying along the roller you feel as if you are 'floating on air'.

    Foam Roller
  • Resistance Bands Pilates Classes

    Resistance Bands

    Resistance bands have been used extensively by physiotherapists for many years as an alternative to weights. The bands provide resistance throughout the exercise; however the resistance must be used in conjunction with control of the movement, particularly as you release the band tension. They can be used effectively to strengthen the upper and lower body whilst necessitating the stabilisation of the shoulder girdle and ‘core’ muscles.

    Pilates Physio Style incorporates the bands in several ways in their programme. We use them as; free bands for upper and lower body résistance training; bolted to the wall to simulate similar exercises using the arms and legs to that performed on a traditional Pilates reformer; and circle bands used around the legs to activate and strengthen the appropriate muscles in the legs and hips.

    We use several strengths of band, allowing for differences in participant’s strength and /or stability.

  • Swiss Ball Pilates Classes

    Swiss Balls

    The Swiss Ball has been used for many years in both the fitness industry and by physiotherapists. It further challenges core stability by providing an unstable surface requiring activation of the core muscles. The Swiss ball also allows for core stability to be challenged in the sitting position, which functionally is very appropriate, as much of our work is performed whilst seated. The Swiss ball is also a great way of improving core stability whilst strengthening the upper and lower body with exercises such as push-ups and squats. (Until a moderate degree of stability exists, the ball exercises are kept at a low level to improve the safety and effectiveness of our classes.)

  • Exercise Ball Pilates Classes

    Exercise Balls

    The exercise ball is unique to PPS. It is a versatile piece of equipment which allows you to work to your level. It is particularly effective in performing "closed chain" exercises. In addition to activating the inner thigh muscles, squeezing the ball between the legs, has the carry-over effect of recruiting the deep abdominal and the pelvic floor muscles. Grasping the ball tightly while performing toning exercises with the upper back, arms and shoulders; works the deep muscles of the shoulder joint which help to hold it in place, and maintains shoulder girdle stability.


9B Green Street
Brookvale NSW 2100


Suite 3, Level 1
28-30 Florence Street
Hornsby NSW 2077


Suite 1 (Seminar room)
The Arena Sports Centre
A30 Western Avenue
Camperdown 2006

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