Pregnancy & Post Natal Pilates Packages | North Shore Northern Beaches Sydney

PPS Pregnancy & Post Natal Packages

The following packages are available and include a complete assessment with a specialised women’s health physiotherapist, small group physiotherapy classes with individual attention in line with assessment outcomes and/or PPS yoga classes as an alternative.

Educational sessions will be incorporated into the classes and will cover topics such as relaxation techniques, breathing awareness, perineal care, abdominal separation, posture and baby carriers, safe return to exercise, baby’s tummy time and plagiocephaly.

There are several packages offered to help suit your needs.

1. The Prenatal Package

The Prenatal Package is designed to help the pregnant woman navigate the constant changes to her body.

Prenatal Physiotherapy Pilates Classes North Shore Northern Beaches

Many factors affect a pregnant woman’s pelvic stability, postural control and proprioception. These factors include hormonal changes, the forward movement of the mother’s centre of gravity, and associated muscle and tissue stretching as the baby grows. Consequently, a specialised program to help control these changes can be very beneficial and includes:

  • a Pre-natal assessment (one on one for an hour with a physiotherapist)
  • 10 classes supervised by a physiotherapist*
  • Cost $450

Pre-Natal Assessment
This includes ensuring correct activation of the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles, along with correct breathing patterns and postural control. Pelvic stability is also assessed as the ligaments supporting the joints at the back and front of the pelvis soften during pregnancy in preparation for the birth of the baby.

A tailored home programme to optimise the pelvic floor, abdominals and the key muscles contributing to pelvic stability, and appropriate stretches will be provided. One on one management of any condition is always available if required.

2. The Postnatal Package

The Postnatal Package is designed to help a mother return to optimal function and form, specifically strengthen her abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles to help deal with the increased physical activity related to the care of her new baby, and potentially to help prepare for any subsequent pregnancies.

Postnatal Physiotherapy Pilates Classes North Shore Northern Beaches

Any birth related conditions experienced in the postnatal period will also be specifically addressed. Our safe and supervised programme led by a physiotherapist includes:

  • a Postnatal assessment (one on one for an hour with a physiotherapist)
  • 10 classes *
  • Cost $450

Post-Natal Assessment
This includes:

  • an internal and/or real time ultrasound pelvic floor muscle assessment. We measure pelvic floor muscle strength, endurance, and their ability to support the pelvic organs under load. This is important for both vaginal and caesarean section deliveries.
  • a prolapse assessment to assess if there has been any change to the position of the pelvic organs during the pregnancy and /or delivery and to identify the risk of prolapse in the future.
  • an abdominal separation check. These muscles stretch along with the tissue connecting them as the baby grows and often following delivery a ‘gap’ between these muscles appear – for many women it spontaneously improves but for others specific exercises are required to improve the ‘gap’.
  • an external pelvic assessment to assess the stability and alignment of the pelvis itself. The ligamentous attachments soften in preparation for birth and the pelvic structure can be impacted by pregnancy and the delivery. The instability around the pelvis often contributes to pelvic and low back pain.
  • a return to sport check, if appropriate, to ensure under ultrasound or by internal assessment that the pelvic floor is strong enough to support the pelvic organs during high impact and high-pressure activities or movements.

3. The Perinatal Package

The Perinatal Package helps an expectant mother navigate safely under our guidance through the whole process and ensures continuity of care.

Prenatal Physiotherapy Pilates Classes  North Shore Northern Beaches

  • Prenatal assessment
  • Postnatal assessment
  • 10 classes *
  • $530 (Valued at $570)

Pre-Natal Assessment
This includes ensuring correct activation of the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles, along with correct breathing patterns and postural control. Pelvic stability is also assessed as the ligaments supporting the joints at the back and front of the pelvis soften during pregnancy in preparation for the birth of the baby.

A tailored home programme to optimise the pelvic floor, abdominals and the key muscles contributing to pelvic stability, and appropriate stretches will be provided. One on one management of any condition is always available if required.

Post-Natal Assessment
This includes:

  • an internal and/or real time ultrasound pelvic floor muscle assessment. We measure pelvic floor muscle strength, endurance, and their ability to support the pelvic organs under load. This is important for both vaginal and caesarean section deliveries.
  • a prolapse assessment to assess if there has been any change to the position of the pelvic organs during the pregnancy and /or delivery and to identify the risk of prolapse in the future.
  • an abdominal separation check. These muscles stretch along with the tissue connecting them as the baby grows and often following delivery a ‘gap’ between these muscles appear – for many women it spontaneously improves but for others specific exercises are required to improve the ‘gap’.
  • an external pelvic assessment to assess the stability and alignment of the pelvis itself. The ligamentous attachments soften in preparation for birth and the pelvic structure can be impacted by pregnancy and the delivery. The instability around the pelvis often contributes to pelvic and low back pain.
  • a return to sport check, if appropriate, to ensure under ultrasound or by internal assessment that the pelvic floor is strong enough to support the pelvic organs during high impact and high-pressure activities or movements.

*Classes are valid for 6 months
Additional classes can also be purchased at any time.
See our timetables at each location for class times.



9B Green Street
Brookvale NSW 2100


Suite 3, Level 1
28-30 Florence Street
Hornsby NSW 2077


Suite 1 (Seminar room)
The Arena Sports Centre
A30 Western Avenue
Camperdown 2006

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